I was thinking not so long ago that in a year I will have:
moved away from friends and family (packing is obviously not my forte) and moved to a new world 1600 miles away
married a godly, wonderful man that I am learning to love more all the time. I LOVE being married :-)
I will be a new mommy! We found out that we'd be a family of 3 come January. That was one surprise that was hard to wrap my head around for awhile. Now that i've had some time to process, and that morning sickness is on its way to a halt for a while, I really can't wait to meet this little person!
new state, new decade, new wife, new mom... and this was all just in the first half of this year! ha, I guess we somehow turned on the fast forward button... we must be crazy!
We have learned so much in these past few months. You are opened up to a whole new world when you attach yourself to someone through marriage. You learn things in a very different way and I am so glad that I married a man that is patient and so willing to talk things out as they happen. I've learned how much I didn't know how to trust in God. I have much more issues with wanting to control my life than I ever was aware of. I was worrying about having enough or doing it right and I was forgetting that I serve a sovereign God that is in control of all things. He is our provider and helper and our main concern needs to be our love of the gospel and using these lives to display it well to those around us regardless of how we feel. God provides all the rest.
I have no clue what the next 6 months will bring, well except that there will be a beautiful baby in our arms at the end of it all. I am thankful of what God is using all of this to teach us. It has been hard to be away from all we have ever known and loved. We ache for our family and friends all the time. We also find comfort in God's great grace, knowing and believing that his purpose for having us here will glorify him. We have so much to learn and it has been one heck of a journey so far. I really never expected anything less. My prayer is that whatever else continues to come our way that we we will grow in faithfulness and trust well in the God of our salvation.